Wednesday, June 6, 2012

No tortilla tacos

No tortilla tacos

Yah for something NEW!  I've been kind of bored with low carb lately and that's not good.  I've seen this posted on pinterest a ton of times, so I finally tried it myself.

I basically just made a taco inside of two pieces of butter lettuce. The lettuce had kind of a funny taste, but the delicious insides made up for it.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fajita minus tortilla

Fajita minus tortilla

This was again EASY---my favorite kind of recipe.  I bought the pre-packaged pre-cooked fajita chicken strips.  I combined the chicken with a very small amount of peppers and onions.  Finally, I topped it with cheese and a drizzle of ranch dressing.

This meal actually felt rather indulgent--even minus the delicious tortillas.

I am continuing to feel better with the low-carb lifestyle.  I've cheated a time or two and I always regret it shortly afterward.  I tend to get more headaches and my ulcers are truly awful after a sugar cheat.  

The hardest part seems to be grieving the loss of sugar.  No one loves sugar like I do.  I could compete with any child-anywhere.  If it was possible, I would eat only sugary things--and it would be rare to ever get sick of it.  Cake, ice cream, cheesecake, chocolate, pudding, ice cream (again, because it's the best), frappucinos, cookies, fruit juice and pastries.  Letting go of these delicious things is a true life change for me--and it's going to take some time.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Steak and brussels

Steak and brussel sprouts

I am in LOVE with our grill...and eating outside for dinners.  In about a month, the weather in Nashville will be so brutal that I won't even consider sitting out on the patio for a meal...but for now it is lovely.

The steak was so much better this time.  No marinade, just salt and pepper.  The brussel sprouts were totally inspired by a blog I love:

I felt like such an adult cooking, eating and actually enjoying a vegetable that previously scarred me in childhood.  8-year-old me wasn't crazy though.  Ice cream is totally better.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Chicken and asparagus

Grilled chicken and asparagus

This was incredibly simple and extremely good.  I recently learned how to use the grill and I only needed a little assistance this time.

I glazed olive oil on chicken breasts and then sprinkled with Montreal Steak Seasoning-then cooked on the grill with the lid closed for about 10 minutes each side.

The asparagus I cooked on the grill on a pan with butter. my husband likes asparagus.  Win!  Oh yeah, and my dogs love it too!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Low carb breakfast

Scrambled egg in ham cups

Yah!  I've finally found an easy and filling low carb breakfast option.  Lately, I've been eating string cheese, and while fast, is sincerely not a satisfying kick-start to the day.  This, on the other hand,  makes fabulous portions of a hearty option.  And again, the only carbs are in the vegetables!
  • Place 12 round slices of ham into a muffin pan
  • Cook on the stove-1 lb. of italian 0 carb sausage
  • Combine: 
    • 11 eggs
    • 1/2 package of shredded spinach
    • sausage
  • Scramble in large bowl
  • Add pepper to taste
  • Fill the ham slices with egg mixture
  • Top with parmesan cheese
  • Cook at 400 degrees for 15 minutes

Steak and cauliflower bake

Steak & Cheesy cauliflower bake

I'm not going to offer the recipe on this one.  I found the cheesy cauliflower bake recipe on Pinterest, but I didn't have all the ingredients so I substituted ones that didn't work as well.

Also, I tried a marinade on the steak that was low carb but based in sugar-free soy sauce and it came out so salty I could barely eat it.  

I will try both again in the future--and I'll post recipes when things are successful!

Zucchini again

Zucchini, egg whites & feta

About six years ago, I worked as a companion for an elderly italian lady.  No matter what she had me cook, try to cook...she always had me add egg whites.  It grew on me and its perfect for low carb.
  • Sliced zucchini
  • Egg whites
  • Feta cheese
  • Parmesan cheese
Simple, simple, simple--and so yummy!